imlib3d − command-line interface for ImLib3D |
imlib3d --list |
ImLib3D is a volume image processing library. The imlib3d executable can be used to call image processing functions (image processors) directly from the commandline. The first syntax: imlib3d --list The second syntax: imlib3d ImageProcessorName The third syntax: imlib3d ImageProcessorName [arguments] [options] will actually call the image processor. Note that optional arguments comme after mandatory arguments. |
First let’s check the documentation for the image processor called "NoiseUniform". prompt$ imlib3d NoiseUniform This tells us that NoiseUniform uniform takes 2 mandatory arguments and two optional arguments. Note that the Size3D argument has 3 fields: prompt$ imlib3d NoiseUniform 100 100 100 image.im3D This creates an image file called "image.im3D" (ImLib3D native file format) that contains uniform white noise. The image is 100x100x100 and has floating point values. |
ImLib3D(7), imlib3dview(1). |
imlib3d was written by Marcel Bosc <>. |