imlib3dview − volume image viewer and for ImLib3D


imlib3dview --help
[ View1 ] [ -d View2 ] [ -d View3 ] ...


imlib3dview is a GUI used for displaying volumetric images. It relies on the ImLib3D image processing library and currently only reads the ImLib3D (.im3D) image file format. Other formats will be supported in future releases.

Views are displayed tiled in the same window. On the command-line, views are separated by the "-d" delimiter.

Simple, single image views
syntax: imagefile [ intensity-range ]
intensity-range determines how image intensities will be displayed. It is the portion of the histogram that should be used. Values like ".99" give good results.

syntax: -a imagefile1 imagefile2 imagefile3 ... [ -r intensity-range ]
This will display a cycling animation of the specified images.

3D view
syntax: -3d [ -mp viewnumber ] [ -ts viewnumber ]
This will display a 3D OpenGL view. What is rendered in the 3D view can be specified with the "-mp" and the "-ts" switches. The "-mp" switch will render three planar cuts through an image. The "-ts" will render a surface obtained by thresholding an image. 3D rendering in imlib3dview is still very basic and quite experimental.


open image: open an new image in viewer shortcut key:Ctrl+o view type:View menu:File

open image here: open an image in this views location shortcut key:VoidSymbol view type:View menu:File

save: save this image to file shortcut key:Ctrl+s view type:DocumentView menu:File

save as: save this image to a file shortcut key:VoidSymbol view type:DocumentView menu:File

close document: closes this document and destroys all of its views shortcut key:Delete view type:DocumentView menu:File

snapshot: saves a snapshot of the current viewer display in a ppm file shortcut key:d view type:Viewer menu:File

movie: saves snapshots of the current viewer display in a ppms file at regula r intervals shortcut key:Ctrl+d view type:Viewer menu:File

quit: quit program shortcut key:Ctrl+q view type:View menu:File

select: selects view for future processing shortcut key:space view type:View menu:edit

drawing popup: show dialog for drawing into an image shortcut key:Ctrl+a view type:Image3DrealBase menu:edit

undo drawing: undo a drawing step undo buffer size depends on image size shortcut key:Ctrl+z view type:Image3DrealBase menu:edit

view3D dialog: show dialogs for configuring rendering in 3D view shortcut key:Ctrl+n view type:View3D menu:view

toggle draw cursor: hides/shows multiplanar cursor shortcut key:Ctrl+r view type:MultiPlanar menu:view

zoom in: Zooms in by factor 1.2 on current position shortcut key:z view type:MultiPlanar menu:view

zoom out: Zooms out by factor 1.2 on current position shortcut key:a view type:MultiPlanar menu:view

zoom in: Zooms in by factor 1.2 on current position shortcut key:z view type:View3D menu:view

zoom out: Zooms out by factor 1.2 on current position shortcut key:a view type:View3D menu:view

3D view: render multiplanar in 3D OpenGL view shortcut key:p view type:MultiPlanar menu:view

toggle mask: Shows image mask shortcut key:m view type:Image3DView menu:view

contrast popup: Show popup for changing contrast shortcut key:c view type:Image3DrealBase menu:view

scale popup: Show popup for changing field scale shortcut key:c view type:Field3DfView menu:view

threshold popup: Show popup for interactively viewing thresholds shortcut key:t view type:Image3DrealBase menu:view

unhook: unhooks position sync with other views shortcut key:u view type:View menu:view

hook selected: hooks position sync between all selected views shortcut key:i view type:View menu:view

hook affine: first selected view is hooked to second selection using affine trf shortcut key:Ctrl+i view type:View menu:view

left: Moves one pixel left in current window shortcut key:Left view type:Image3DView menu:view

right: Moves one pixel right in current window shortcut key:Right view type:Image3DView menu:view

up: Moves one pixel up in current window shortcut key:Up view type:Image3DView menu:view

down: Moves one pixel down in current window shortcut key:Down view type:Image3DView menu:view

plot horizontal cut: Shows a plot of a 1D signal representing a horizontal cut through the 3D image shortcut key:s view type:Image3DrealView menu:plot

plot vertical cut: Shows a plot of a 1D signal representing a vertical cut through the 3D image shortcut key:Shift+S view type:Image3DrealView menu:plot

plot histogram: Shows a plot of the histogram of the areas in the visualized volume (v olume that fits into the current view). If mask is present considers o nly areas where mask not zero shortcut key:h view type:Image3DrealView menu:plot

draw rectangle: Interactively draw a 3D rectangular zone shortcut key:Ctrl+t view type:MultiPlanar menu:view

copy position: Copies the current position to clipboard shortcut key:Ctrl+c view type:MultiPlanar menu:edit

edit annotation: edit the annotation closest to the cursor shortcut key:f view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

add text: add a text annotation shortcut key:g view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

delete annotation: delete the annotation closest to the cursor shortcut key:x view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

save annotations: save annotations to file shortcut key:b view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

read annotations: read annotations from file shortcut key:n view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

toggle annotation display: show/hide annotations shortcut key:w view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 1 blue: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F1 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 2 blue: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F2 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 3 blue: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F3 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 4.5 blue: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F4 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 1 red: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F5 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 2 red: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F6 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 3 red: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F7 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

dot 4.5 red: add a dot annotation shortcut key:F8 view type:MultiPlanar menu:annotations

start/stop: toggles animation cycle shortcut key:KP_Multiply view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view

next/faster: next animation frame if stopped cycle faster if animation is running shortcut key:KP_Add view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view

prev/slower: prev animation frame if stopped cycle slower if animation is running shortcut key:KP_Subtract view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view

flat white: display backgrounds turn all white essential for printed screenshots shortcut key:Ctrl+w view type:Viewer menu:view

show time series: shows a plot of values at one geometric position of an image sequence shortcut key:j view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view

show time series histo: shows a histogram of values at one geometric position of an image sequ ence shortcut key:Ctrl+j view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view

toggle interpolation: uses linear interpolation to render images shortcut key:Ctrl+l view type:Image3DrealView menu:view

toggle interpolation: uses linear interpolation to render images shortcut key:Ctrl+l view type:Image3DrealSetView menu:view


imlib3dview image1.im3D
shows a single view with image1.im3D

imlib3dview -a image1.im3D image1.im3D -r .95 -d -3d -mp 0
shows an animation of image 1 and 2, and a 3D view of the animation


ImLib3D(7), imlib3dview(1).
These programs are documented fully on


imlib3d was written by Marcel Bosc <>.