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00001 /* ImLib3D
00002  * Copyright (c) 2001, ULP-IPB Strasbourg.
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
00007  * your option) any later version.
00008  * 
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00010  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * General Public License for more details.
00013  * 
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00016  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00017  */
00020 #ifndef _Interpolator3D_hpp
00021 #define _Interpolator3D_hpp
00022 #include<gsl/gsl_sf.h>
00028 template<class Im3DValue>
00029 class Interpolator3D
00030 {
00031     typedef Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> ImageType;
00032 // support
00033 public:
00034     static Interpolator3D *Create(const string &name);
00035     RectZone3Df support;
00036     RectZone3Di GetRectZone(float x, float y, float z)
00037     {
00038         RectZone3Df s1(support);
00039         s1.Translate(x,y,z);
00040         return RectZone3Di( s1, 0 );
00041     }
00046     virtual void Reset(const ImageType *srcImage){;}
00047     virtual Im3DValue Value(const ImageType &ima,const float x,const float y,const float z)=0;
00048     virtual ~Interpolator3D(){;}
00049     Interpolator3D():support(0,0,0,0,0,0)
00050     {;}
00052 };
00055 template<class Im3DValue>
00056 class NNInterpolator : public Interpolator3D<Im3DValue>
00057 {
00058     typedef Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> ImageType;
00059 public:
00060     virtual Im3DValue Value(const ImageType &ima,const float x,const float y,const float z)
00061     {
00062         return ima.SafeValue((int)(x+.5),(int)(y+.5),(int)(z+.5));
00063     }
00065 };
00067 template<class Im3DValue>
00068 class TriLinearInterpolator : public Interpolator3D<Im3DValue>
00069 {
00070     typedef Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> ImageType;
00071 public:
00072     virtual Im3DValue Value(const Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> &ima,const float x,const float y,const float z)
00073     {
00074 //          float dx=x-floor(x);
00075 //          float dy=y-floor(y);
00076 //          float dz=z-floor(z);
00077         int x0=(int)x;
00078         int y0=(int)y;
00079         int z0=(int)z;
00080 #define _linearincr(i,j,k) (1-fabs(x-(x0+i)))*(1-fabs(y-(y0+j)))*(1-fabs(z-(z0+k)))*ima.SafeValue(x0+i,y0+j,z0+k);
00081         Im3DValue res=_linearincr(0,0,0);
00082         res+=_linearincr(1,0,0);
00083         res+=_linearincr(0,1,0);
00084         res+=_linearincr(1,1,0);
00085         res+=_linearincr(0,0,1);
00086         res+=_linearincr(1,0,1);
00087         res+=_linearincr(0,1,1);
00088         res+=_linearincr(1,1,1);
00089         return res;
00090 #undef _linearincr
00091 //          int tx = (int)(x+.5); int ty = (int)(y+.5); int tz = (int)(z+.5);
00092 //          float distx = fabs(x - tx);
00093 //          float disty = fabs(y - ty);
00094 //          float distz = fabs(z - tz);
00096 //          Im3DValue  vala = ima.SafeValue(tx  , ty  , tz  );
00097 //          Im3DValue  valb = ima.SafeValue(tx  , ty  , tz+1);
00098 //          Im3DValue  valc = ima.SafeValue(tx  , ty+1, tz  );
00099 //          Im3DValue  vald = ima.SafeValue(tx  , ty+1, tz+1);
00100 //          Im3DValue  vale = ima.SafeValue(tx+1, ty  , tz);
00101 //          Im3DValue  valf = ima.SafeValue(tx+1, ty  , tz+1);
00102 //          Im3DValue  valg = ima.SafeValue(tx+1, ty+1, tz  );
00103 //          Im3DValue  valh = ima.SafeValue(tx+1, ty+1, tz+1);
00105 //          Im3DValue val = 
00106 //              (vale - vala)*distx + 
00107 //              (valc - vala)*disty + 
00108 //              (valb - vala)*distz +
00109 //              (valg - vale - valc + vala)*distx*disty +
00110 //              (vald - valc - valb + vala)*disty*distz +
00111 //              (valf - vale - valb + vala)*distx*distz +
00112 //              (valh + vale + valc + valb - valg - valf - vald - vala)*distx*disty*distz + 
00113 //              vala;
00114 //      return val;
00115     }
00117 };
00121 template<class Im3DValue>
00122 class TruncatedSinCInterpolator : public Interpolator3D<Im3DValue>
00123 {
00124     typedef Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> ImageType;
00125 public:
00126     float radius;
00127     virtual Im3DValue Value(const Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue> &ima,const float x,const float y,const float z)
00128     {
00129         RectZone3Di zone((int) ceil(x-radius),(int) ceil(y-radius),(int) ceil(z-radius),
00130                          (int)floor(x+radius),(int)floor(y+radius),(int)floor(z+radius) );
00131         zone=zone.Intersection(ima.GetZone());
00132         Im3DValue res= Zero<Im3DValue>();
00133         if(!zone.IsOk()) {return res;}
00134         typename Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue>::const_iteratorZone p(zone);
00135         double totcoef=0;
00136         vector<vector<double> > dirCoefs;
00137         dirCoefs.assign(3,vector<double>());
00138         Vect3Di size=zone.SizeV();
00139         Vect3Di p0=zone.GetP0();
00140         Vect3Df pos(x,y,z);
00141         for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
00142         {
00143             dirCoefs[i].assign(size(i),0);
00144             for(int j=0;j<size(i);j++)
00145             {
00146                 dirCoefs[i][j]=gsl_sf_sinc(pos(i)-(j+p0(i)));
00147             }
00148         }
00149         float r02=radius*radius;
00150         for(p=ima.begin();p!=ima.end();++p)
00151         {
00152             float r2=(x-p.x)*(x-p.x)+(y-p.y)*(y-p.y)+(z-p.z)*(z-p.z);
00153             if(r2>r02){continue;}
00154             double coef=
00155                 dirCoefs[0][p.x-p0.x]*
00156                 dirCoefs[1][p.y-p0.y]*
00157                 dirCoefs[2][p.z-p0.z] ;
00158             res+=coef*(*p);
00159             totcoef+=coef;
00160         }
00161         // renorm (trunc sinc is not a true interpolating fct!!)
00162         res/=totcoef;
00163         return res;
00164     }
00165     TruncatedSinCInterpolator(float _radius=5):radius(_radius){;}
00166 };
00169 template<class Im3DValue>
00170 inline Im3DValue
00171 Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue>::Value( float x, float y, float z ) const 
00172 {
00173     if(!interpolator){ThrowError("Image3Dlinear<Im3DValue>::Value(float,float,float) interpolator==NULL image:%x",this);}
00174     return interpolator->Value(*this,x,y,z);
00175 }
00177 // to avoid code bloat include this manually!
00178 //#include<ImLib3D/Interpolator3D.hxx>
00179 #endif // _Interpolator3D_hpp

Generated on Fri Jun 17 13:36:05 2005 for ImLib3D by  doxygen 1.4.2